胰腺是一个器官, 大约7英寸长, 它位于胃的后面,肝脏的下面. 它的主要工作之一是产生胰岛素, 哪一种身体需要正确利用食物中的葡萄糖(糖). 不能产生胰岛素的人有 diabetes.

The standard treatment for diabetes is to take insulin to replace what the pancreas isn't producing. By carefully monitoring their blood sugar levels to achieve the correct insulin dosage, patients may prevent or slow the progression of many diabetes complications.

If standard treatments don’t work, pancreas transplantation may be an option. By restoring insulin production, a successful pancreas transplant can help patients:

  • 处理1型糖尿病的肾脏并发症
  • 不再需要注射胰岛素
  • Reduce or eliminate the need for dietary and activity restrictions
  • 降低或消除严重低血糖的风险