罗斯手术是一种治疗病变主动脉瓣的手术. One of the heart's four valves, 主动脉瓣控制富含氧气的血液流向身体. If the valve becomes narrowed, a condition known as aortic stenosis, the heart has to work harder to pump, 导致肌肉增厚,并可能导致心力衰竭. If the aortic valve becomes leaky, a condition known as valve regurgitation, blood can back up into the heart, which also can eventually cause heart failure.

这两种情况的标准治疗方法都是用一个机械的(由耐用材料制成的)假体代替故障瓣膜, such as titanium) or made from animal tissue. But neither is a perfect solution. Tissue valves wear out and have to be replaced, while mechanical valves are prone to blood clots, 也就是说患有这种疾病的病人在他们的余生中都要服用血液稀释药物.

The Ross procedure provides another option. 外科十大赌博平台排行榜用病人自己的另一个心脏瓣膜替换病变的瓣膜, the pulmonary valve. 这种交换是有效的,因为肺动脉瓣的形状相似,可以变得足够厚和坚固,像主动脉瓣一样起作用. 接着,肺动脉瓣会被来自尸体捐献者的瓣膜所取代.